Polyuretanový rukáv Powerflex BMW 1 Series E81, E82, E87 & E88 (2004 - 2013) PFF5-401GBLK č. v diagramu: 1

Polyuretanový rukáv Powerflex BMW 1 Series E81, E82, E87 & E88 (2004 - 2013) PFF5-401GBLK č. v diagramu: 1

5 504,00 Kč
s DPH / nastavit
k dispozici na vyžádání
k dispozici na vyžádání
14 dnů na snadné vrácení
Tento produkt není k dispozici v kamenném obchodě
Bezpečné nakupování

Společnost Powerflex byla založena ve Velké Británii v roce 1996. Společnost má bohaté zkušenosti v oblasti odpružení automobilů. V kombinaci s designovými dovednostmi a výrobními technikami to vedlo k vytvoření široké škály vysoce kvalitních polyuretanových produktů.

Polyuretanové pouzdro Powerflex pro BMW 1 Series E81, E82, E87 & E88 (2004 - 2013)

Index: PFF5-401GBLK

Číslo diagramu:1

Informacje dodatkowe (Ang): Over the years we have seen a shift in the use of cars such as theBMW E92 M3 andE82 1M Coupe, with more of their time being spent on track and the power, chassis and braking modifications carried out, taking them from being quick road cars to very able and incredibly fast road-legal racers.Made in our stiffest Black 95Amaterial and supplied with steel outer shells for better load distribution and an offset adjustable CNC-machined stainless-steel sleeve and spanner, it combinesall of the necessary ingredients to be perfectly suited to both road and track use.PFF5-401G Front Radius to Chassis Bush Caster Adjustableto provide up to+/- 0.75 degreesof on-car caster adjustment, resulting in greater in-corner camber gain, improved stability at high-speed and the ultimate optimisation of your vehicle's front wheel geometry.This change in design increases stiffness by a further 25% over our previous offering for improved durability and braking stabilityand a 140% increase over the worn rubber bush.

Anglický název:Front Radius Arm To Chassis Bush
Dimenze: žádná data
Váhy (g): 0
Množství v balení: 2
Požadované množství ve voze: 2
Originální číslo: 31120393540 / 31126763719 / 31102283579
Včetně speciálního maziva

Over the years we have seen a shift in the use of cars such as the BMW E92 M3 and E82 1M Coupe, with more of their time being spent on track and the power, chassis and braking modifications carried out, taking them from being quick road cars to very able and incredibly fast road-legal racers. 

Made in our stiffest Black 95A material and supplied with steel outer shells for better load distribution and an offset adjustable CNC-machined stainless-steel sleeve and spanner, it combines all of the necessary ingredients to be perfectly suited to both road and track use. 

PFF5-401G Front Radius to Chassis Bush Caster Adjustable to provide up to +/- 0.75 degrees of on-car caster adjustment, resulting in greater in-corner camber gain, improved stability at high-speed and the ultimate optimisation of your vehicle's front wheel geometry. 

This change in design increases stiffness by a further 25% over our previous offering for improved durability and braking stability and a 140% increase over the worn rubber bush. 

Subjekt odpovědný za tento výrobek v EU
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